2020 has been a year of unprecedented times, experiences and challenges. Within a global pandemic, physicians are being recognized for who WE are.

This year has intensified socio-economic hardships, healthcare inequities and demonstrated to all of us - the fragility of life.

Despite the burdens and challenges, physicians continue to step forward, lean in and LEAD.

WE need to UNITE and INSPIRE one another, our patients, our profession and province.

Together WE are powerful beyond measure.

WE have the honour and privilege to protect the most important asset, HEALTH.

WE as doctors continue to CREATE opportunities to serve our patients within the constraints of a rapidly evolving health system and society.

WE commit to ourselves as a priority by seeking a CULTURE shift.

WE must CHALLENGE systemic and societal INEQUITIES.

WE need to MANIFEST our true potential. WE are the epitome of strength and advocacy for our patients but we need to stand up for our PHYSICIAN HEALTH.

It is time for US to RISE like never before.

This is about YOU. Creating the opportunity for crucial conversations and CHANGE. Equal voice REPRESENTATION leveraging our COLLECTIVE IMPACT.

WE need to lead the change WE wish to see in the WORLD.

It starts here. Today.




Leading With Compassion.

Empowering Others.

Amplifying Our Stories. 


Building Relationships.
Promoting Equity, Diversity & Inclusion. Working for collective impact.



Protecting Autonomy.

Prioritizing Physician Health.

Addressing Inequities.

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